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The state of freedom in European countries

author: europe.magazine/instagram, added on: 2025-03-05

The state of freedom in European countries


Freedom declined around the world for the 19th consecutive year in 2024. People experienced deterioration in their political rights and civil liberties in 60 countries, and secured improvements in only 34 countries. This map gives you an overview of the situation in Europe. The Freedom in the World Freedom Index is an annual index compiled by the US NGO Freedom House, which assesses civil and political freedom in countries and territories worldwide. The methodological basis of the index is based on the declarations of human rights as proclaimed by the United Nations in 1948. The assessment focuses on the political rights and civil liberties of the individual. Depending on the weighted index score, a country is classified as ‘free’, ‘partly free’ or ‘unfree’. Do you agree with this rating for your country?

Collection: freedom - Tags: europe, freedom - Source: