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Map of Europe’s national animals

author: Ibis_Wolfie/reddit, added on: 2025-03-14

Map of Europe’s national animals


Full list of animals for those curious

Albania- two-headed eagle, Andorra- cow, Armenia- eagle, Austria- barn swallow, Azerbaijan- Karabakh horse, Belarus- European bison, Belgium- lion, Bosnia and Herzegovina- Tornjak (domestic dog), Bulgaria- lion, Croatia- Pine marten, Cyprus- Cypriot mouflon, Czechia- two-tailed lion, Denmark- mute swan, England- lion Estonia- wolf Finland- brown bear France- Gallic rooster Georgia- wolf Germany- eagle Greece- common dolphin, Hungary- Turul, Iceland- Gyrfalcon, Ireland- mountain hare, Italy- Italian wolf, Kazakhstan- golden eagle, Kosovo- lynx, Latvia- white wagtail, Liechtenstein- common kestrel, Lithuania- white stork, Luxembourg- lion, Malta- pharaoh hound, Moldova- Aurochs, Monaco- hedgehog, Montenegro- eagle, Netherlands- lion, N. Ireland- red deer, North Macedonia- lion, Norway- moose, Poland- white eagle, Portugal- Iberian wolf, Romania- Eurasian lynx, Russia- brown bear, Scotland- Unicorn, Serbia- eastern imperial eagle, Slovakia- brown bear, Slovenia- horse, Spain- bull, Sweden- Eurasian elk, Switzerland- cow, Turkey- grey wolf, Ukraine- nightingale, Vatican City- dove, Wales- welsh dragon

Pls lmk if I got any wrong because some weren't listed on wikipedia

Collection: national-animals - Tags: europe, national-animals - Source: