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New Year's Eve traditions

author: maven.mapping/instagram, added on: 2025-03-22

New Year's Eve traditions


The map shows different New Year's Eve traditions around the globe, highlighting unique cultural practices. In Mexico, people walk around with an empty suitcase to symbolize a wish for travel. In Scotland, the tradition of first-footing involves being the first to visit friends and neighbors to bring good fortune. In Spain and Italy, wearing red underwear is believed to ensure luck and passion for the coming year. In Russia, people write a wish on paper, burn it, toss the ashes into a champagne glass, and drink it to make the wish come true. In the Philippines, wearing polka dots and eating round fruits symbolizes prosperity. In Brazil, wearing white and jumping into the ocean is meant to bring peace and spiritual cleansing. In South Africa, throwing old appliances and furniture out of windows signifies letting go of the past to make space for new opportunities.

Collection: new-year - Tags: new-year, traditions - Source: