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Irreligion in Western Europe

author: african.mapper/instagram, added on: 2025-03-02

Irreligion in Western Europe


Irreligion has been on the rise in Western Europe over the past several decades, with an increasing number of people identifying as atheists, agnostics, or simply as non-religious. Younger generations in these countries, in particular, are increasingly moving away from traditional religious practices, with many prioritizing secular or humanistic worldviews over religious doctrine. While Catholicism and Protestantism have historically shaped the cultural and societal frameworks of many Western European nations, the influence of religion has significantly waned, especially in urban areas. Despite this, there are still variations across the region, with some nations, like Portugal and Italy, experiencing a slower but noticeable decline in religious affiliation, especially among younger people.

Collection: religions - Tags: religions, europe, atheism - Source: